Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Now isnt this a gorgeous animal? Not the handler! The bird, though the handler is pretty easy on the eyeballs too.
Medieval Times. Great place to go for dinner and entertainment. As I previously mentioned, we spent some time, recently in Florida. My son was married then my husband, youngest daughter and myself wandereded on over to Orlando to make some trouble and do the tourist thing there. We decided to go to Medieval Times for dinner one night and of course we were not disappointed. This gorgeous things (and the bird) were part of the nights entertainment.
Dont you just hate it when you have a really fabu shot and someone just decides to step in a nano second before you trip the shutter..grrrrrr.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Much too long, much much too long it has been. Been busy, well not that busy, well yeah maybe - sheesh I dunno. One thing I think I have discovered is that I need more self-discipline! Gotta make myself sit down on my arse ( something I do more then I care to admit, anyway) and keep this blog up.

Ok my son and his lovely fiance were finally married on the 26th of May. Of the 1200+ pictures I took, this one really grabs me by the heart and lets me know that this is a good place to be, here in earth in the vicinity of young innocent love such as this dipicts. More pictures will be forthcoming as I set to the task of post editing and reducing down the ridiculus number of pictures I took hehe. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!