Wednesday, May 31, 2006

cool view

Mike looked at this picture and told me that it makes him feel cooler. I guess here when temps are approaching 110 degress we will take anything to help out with feeling cooler.

Another experiment with still life, still using the 70-300 zoom, I just love this lens.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Doves in love

I have discovered a great little corner of the web for photographers. Its called They seem to have some great online classes. I am still flipping through them to see which ones I might one to take. The beginner, beginner classes won't start until the first part of July, but there seems to be a small 4 week module beginning in about a week which address colour in photography - how to make the most of it, ISO settings for optimum colour, how to think outside the box for colour etc. The description of the course says it is for beginners to advanced so maybe I can get something out of it while I wait for the 8 week classes to begin in July.

Sunsets here in the desert are pretty gorgeous as you can see.

still fiddling around with the lenses, again this one was taken with the Tamron zoom. It is a great little lens great investment

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Dove in flight in backyard

I am still trying to get used to my camera. All pictures have been taken either with a nikon 17-55 or for zoom and macro shots a tameron 70-300. So far my better shots are with auto focus, I have attempted some manual focus and just do not have the hang of it yet. Lots to learn

flower in my atrium

Oh boy am I addicted. Mike calls me "mamarazzi" I am in love. With Mike of course, but also with my new addiction and just life itself!! more pics to follow

Friday, May 26, 2006

Crystal cut

I got it!! Oh boy I got it, and I have a long weekend just to work on it. I am thrilled so far. This is my 3rd shot, the others are of my doggies and will post them later. But this one I am thrilled with!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Taken at Scripps Pier in San Diego California

I think the photography bug has bit into Mike a little bit too.

I walked into the office today and caught him looking at macro lenses lol. He SHOULD be working on some of the flash pictures that I want to put up on our new website. OH website you say? Mike and I have come up with, what I think is a pretty brilliant idea for a website and products to sell. But no letting the cat out of the bag at this early juncture. The website is still in development as well as arranging for the merchant account for it.

I am one day closer to receiving my camera, got the tracking number for it last night. OOOOOO I can't wait. I have been studying some online galleries to get some ideas - wedding photography seems to be so lovely and the play of the light on the skin or the fabrics in the dress or veil has be intrigued - the loving look in the happy couples eyes. Wow. Some of the photos leave me speachless - maybe I should think about doing that.

Ok back to work on the website.

9.08 pm
Ohhh I am even more excited, I checked the tracking number for the camera and it is due to arrive her tomorrow!!! For some reason they shipped it 2-day air. OOOOOOO so happy now.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Taken in Sedona Arizona

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Or so I am counting on anyway. I have discovered a love of photography. Actually I discovered it a few years ago, but circumstances being what they were at the time - it was not feasable to pursue any new directions, and photography would have been a completely different direction to which I was used to. It would have meant putting aside the things I thought I SHOULD do in favour of something I would LOVE to do. When working on a difficult marriage, trying to pay the bills, raise children and take care of an elderly mother - well you just don't do that; woman don't do that. Men do.

So I have spent the last 3-4 months soul searching and photography is something I REALLY want to pursue.

So today I took the plunge. I ordered a camera and I am scared, exhillerated, excited and giddy all at once.

After many many days of research (many hours during those days devoted to it) I have decided on my first little camera.
A Nikon D50 Digital SLR Camera w/Nikon 18-55mm DX Lens
Tamron 70-300mm f/4-5.6 1:2 Macro Lens
Transcend 1GB 80x SecureDigital (SD) Card
Spare EN-EL3 Battery for Nikon
Nikon SLR System Case - Gadget Bag

My little puppy will be here sometime the beginning of next week and then, as the saying goes, look out world!!

This blog will be my travels on this road, I hope that if anyone reads any of this they will enjoy the road along with me, and remember to smile!